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Monday, June 13, 2011


Hey everybody!! So this is Shaley, and this is my first blog ever! I'm happy to say we made it safely to Brazil. Yesterday we had church at some peoples houses and got a chance to hear some of their stories about what God has done in their life, it was very interesting and they were all very open and friendly. After that we got the chance to go to a soccer game, it was pretty amazing, but they don't have anything on us aggies! The game ended up in a tie and much to my suprise, there is no overtime! Today we helped the Blume family clean out their old house since they are moving into an apartment. Since they have six kids it was definetly alot to move, but it was great getting to know the Blumes a little better. A few noticable differences in Peru and Brazil, one being that streets are alot quieter, it's almost weird to not here car alarms and honking constantly, buses are alot nicer ( and they don't yell at you to get on and get off), and of course the language is alot different from spanish! I don't think anyone but Tracy understands what they are saying. A few things I have found interesting: yesterday was valentines day, I've never been this cold in June EVER, they think cold milk is disgusting, cookies and brownies are new here, they put this Indian flour on everything (and it actually taste pretty amazing) and cereal is rare and expensive here! I'm sure there will be alot more things after we have been here longer, but so far Brazil is great and we are super excited for the rest of our time here!


  1. Oh no! What are y'all going to do without cereal?? haha Glad you're having a good time so far. We miss you guys!

    Love, Taylor

  2. Hello. It's nice to meet via your blog. My family used to live in Porto Alegre with the Blumes. Now we're missionaries in southern Florida. I'm happy you're there. I pray God will bless your trip in many ways.

  3. The Blume family is awesome! Y'all are going to enjoy the chacara so much. Us aggies went there 2 years ago and had a blast. Please tell traci to tell Paulo at the chacara hello for me.

    Chris Clark
